Design of Experiments

To inquire about virtual DoE training please get in touch!

Paul Murray Catalysis Consulting offers training in all aspects of the implementation of Design of Experiments including:

  • The theory and implementation of Design of Experiments.
  • The Design of Experiments process.
  • The selection of the appropriate designs, factors and ranges for an experimental investigation.
  • The rigorous assessment of experimental results prior to modelling.
  • The analysis and interpretation of the experimental models.
  • The prediction of reaction outcomes from the model.
  • The use of MODDETM software to set up and analyse Design of Experiments.

This training is provided by a Process Chemist with extensive experience of applying DoE across the whole range of development activities from reaction screening to optimisation and scale-up.


"Concepts of DoE are explained nicely. Course is very useful in helping scientists in planning DoE"

"Very nicely taught with classical as well as traditional organic synthesis using DoE. Selecting solvent also crucial for organic reactions"

I wish I had known about this when I was doing my PhD

“Paul has helped us to apply DoE successfully to develop our chemical process”

“Without Paul’s help we would have struggled to identify the correct factors and designs to solve our problem”

Next Course

The next planned virtual open training course in collaboration with Scientific Update will be ‘Design of Experiments for Chemists and Engineers’ on 4th - 7th Nov 2024 Book here!


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